let me extend my vision of art

At the age of 29, ixellois artist Basile Sepulchre (born in Brussels on December 24, 1994) is evolving with an assertive maturity, while retaining his vivacity. Destined for a youthful nomadism, he didn't wait until his early teens to display his obsessive artistic tendencies. Between drawing and painting, sculpture and engraving, to embroidery and cross-stitch, he has always had a taste for all forms of plastic expression, having been "immersed" in them from childhood by parents who were resolutely versed in ceramics and silkscreen printing.

Still a pre-teen, the graffiti blooming all over the place, in the stations of a hypothetical RER, left him wondering. All the more so since his imagination, nourished by pop art, street art and a host of other graphic influences (manga, comics, etc.), is very sensitive to the experiments of Georges Seurat or David Hockney. We find tonic accents of this in his current canvases, reflections of a wandering and restless spirit, or in his numerous linocuts, which perfectly capture his extreme sense of detail and infinite curiosity about everything.